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- Susie Kaye Lopez
Charming Page 5
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Page 5
“Forever?” I whispered.
“Beyond forever,” he replied and my eyes opened to the sight of my clock radio flashing 6:00. I raised my hand to see if my ring was still there, but of course it wasn’t. How could it be when it was two hours away on my grandmother’s hand where it had been for the past 52 years.
Chapter 8
It was a classic southern California day, sunny, hot and not a cloud in the perfect blue sky. As soon as my classes ended for the day I was on my way to La Jolla. Finding a spot in the grass, I laid out my blanket and pulled out my sketchbook, losing myself in the memory of last night’s dream. Two hours later I had several complete drawings of Charming and three of the two of us. Seeing myself looking like a perfect southern belle gave me a strange feeling of déjà vu. Of course, it could have been simply because I had the knowledge that I had lived in that era, but Charming never said it was the south. I just knew somehow that it was. I was getting a strong Georgia vibe but I’d never been there or anywhere in the south so I could be just guessing. I hadn’t noticed Charming having an accent either. He spoke in a very polite, slightly formal way which definitely didn’t come from this century. He brought an all new meaning to the term old fashioned.
My reverie was interrupted by a dog’s frantic bark. Here we go again, I thought, looking up into the face of a less than friendly bulldog.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why he’s barking like this. Stop it, Max!” I looked past the fierce looking animal to the tall, cute guy holding his leash. I noticed he had a sleeve of tattoos and thought Charming was most likely fascinated, having learned of his interest in the tattoo trend.
“Hey, it’s okay. Really. Dogs always bark at me.”
“Really? Why is that?”
“They can tell I’m a cat person, I guess.” I smiled at him. “Cool tattoos.” I remarked, changing the subject.
“Thanks, they’re all done for Beatles songs.” He proceeded to explain each tattoo and I saw how each one ran into the next from wrist to shoulder. They were very detailed and beautifully rendered.
“You must have gone to a really good artist,” I said, impressed.
“I went to Pen to Skin in Pacific Beach. Nobody is better than Travis. He does incredible work.”
“I can see that. I will remember that, thanks.” I closed up my sketchbook and smiled at him.
“Are you an artist?”
“No, an amateur. I love to draw.” I stood up and began to fold my blanket, putting all my things in the big wicker tote I brought.
“Well, nice chatting with you.” I dug my keys out and started to walk away.
“Hey, wait! My name’s Colin. I’m in your Psych class…”
“Really? Well, nice to meet you. I guess I will see you in class then.”
I was afraid he was trying to hit on me when he stopped me one more time. I turned back again, not smiling this time.
“I didn’t get your name,” he said with a friendly smile.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Sophie.”
“See you in class, Sophie!”
“Yeah, see you. Bye Colin.” I hurried across the grass and headed for my car, half expecting him to stop me again. He didn’t and I was glad, he was very nice but I was not interested in getting to know him or any other guy.
Driving back to campus I called Gran and Granddad and asked them if they felt like having company for the weekend. They were surprised I was ready for a visit so soon into the semester and I assured them I couldn’t wait to get there. I was really anxious to talk with Gran and maybe try her, or rather, our ring on again.
I joined Danica, Tiffany and some of the other girls from our floor for dinner and tried to enter into their happy conversation. I knew I had already alienated myself from the group, it was obvious that fast friendships were already underway. Bonding happened quickly when you live in such close quarters and although typically I would have rather not put out the effort, I wanted to have a couple people I could call friends in the dorm. I laughed when they laughed, and feigned interest when the conversation turned to guys. I even scored brownie points when I told them I had met up with a guy from my class at the beach and how nice he was. When I told them his name was Colin, two of them squealed. Apparently he was pretty popular already and had some really hot friends too. Whatever worked, I thought, and gave a secret sigh of relief when the meal was over and we headed back to the dorm. Saying goodnight I closed myself into my private room and buried my head in my books, studying until my eyes grew heavy as did the large lit book on my chest. Dropping it to the floor I rolled over and turned off the light, smiling as I closed my eyes.
My back was pushed up hard against a tree, my fingers woven into Charming’s silky blonde hair, his hands cradling my face as we kissed. Gentle kisses gave way to stronger ones and soon we were both breathless and panting.
“Hi,” he grinned.
“Hi,” I grinned back, happiness pure and complete making me feel light headed. Breaking my gaze from his navy eyes, I forced myself to take in our surroundings. We were on a road of sorts, more of a lane I think, lined on both sides by giant oaks, dripping moss, their regal branches meeting overhead. I looked at Charming to inquire about the picturesque locale.
“Where are we?”
“This is the road that runs between our families estates. Look behind us and you’ll see my home.”
Twirling around I saw a stately mansion, all red brick and white columns, surrounded by flowering gardens. The yard seemed to go on forever and two beautiful white horses were grazing on the grass.
“You like it?”
“That is the most beautiful home I have ever seen in my life! This place is just amazing. You have to admit it’s a little different from the tiny Spanish style stucco house I grew up in!”
“Well, it’s a different time. Your little house sitting in Santa Monica is probably worth more than this one is today, considering this is rural Georgia and nowhere near a large city.”
“Yeah, but still! What a magical place to grow up. What are we doing here?”
“We are taking a walk. We used to walk from my house to yours and vice-versa all the time. They’re about a mile apart and we’d have a bit of privacy to talk and…” he kissed me again, slowly and thoroughly.
Pulling apart reluctantly he took my hand and we began a slow, leisurely stroll. I checked out today’s wardrobe, a pretty lavender dress made of some kind of eyelet fabric, puffy sleeves and a low cut bodice. I had to admit these dresses were growing on me.
“You look enchanting,” Charming smiled.
“Why thank you!” I smiled up at him and playfully dropped into a curtsy.
“You are quite handsome yourself!”I laughed. I meant it. The well fitting dark grey pants and simple white cotton shirt he wore fit him like a glove. We continued our playful banter, just enjoying one another’s company when Charming’s tone changed.
“Sophie, I need to ask you something.”
My eyes flew up to meet his and the usual dimples were gone, replaced by a solemn expression. I stopped walking and clutched tighter to his hand as I faced him.
“What?” I asked, alarm raising my voice.
Disengaging his hand from mine he held both of my shoulders gently as he looked at me with such tenderness my heartbeat raced. Moments passed as my eyes questioned his.
“Sophie, yesterday when you were at the beach and you met the guy from your psychology class, Colin.”
“Yeah, what about him?” I asked impatiently, wondering what he had to do with anything.
“Well, I think he was interested in you and I don’t blame the guy one bit. But I want you to know if you would like to go out with him, or anyone else, I would understand.”
“What are you talking about? You can’t possibly think I would be interested in anyone else, do you?”
“No, I mean, I know you believe we are meant to be together and I know we have a history of lov
ing one another, but just a short time ago you did not even know I existed. You couldn’t feel me beside you, and the dreams, well, only I remembered them.”
“Yes, but on some level I knew. Charlie, I knew! Think of my sketches. I’ve been drawing you my whole life. I’ve never so much as had a crush on a boy in eighteen years!”
He was smiling and I crinkled my brow in confusion. “What are you smiling about?”
“You called me Charlie. It just shocked me. It’s been so long since I’ve heard my name from your lips. Not that I don’t like being called Charming. I do. You can call me whatever you like. But as much as I love being by your side Sophie, and being as much a part of your world as possible, I miss our old life, my Lily. You are Lily, as much as you are Sophie. You are one and the same.”
His lips met mine and once again my thoughts ceased and I lost myself in his kisses, until he murmured, “It’s almost time...”
“No! Not yet! I want to stay!” I clung to him as tightly as I could and suddenly I was awake , hugging my pillow in a death grip.
“Oh, Charlie…” I whispered, “I wish I could stay asleep forever.” I felt sad suddenly and forced myself to get up and get started on another day. The sooner I did, the sooner I could climb in bed and dream.
Chapter 9
I doodled Charming’s face from every angle during all my classes, my mind reliving my dreams in perfect detail. When I went back to the dorm that afternoon the box of books I’d ordered on past lives awaited me and I spent the next several hours reading. Fascinating true accounts of past lives and the people who lived them kept me turning pages rapidly. I learned how people can live several lives, often with many of the same people only in different roles. A sister in one life might be a neighbor in the next, a husband could be a teacher. What I thought was beyond belief - Rylee being my best friend 150 years ago, my grandparents being my parents- turns out wasn’t so weird. It happens all the time, most people just never know.
The one thing I couldn’t find any similar case to was, of course, what I wanted to know the most. Nowhere in any of the books was there a mention of my situation with Charming. I was apparently in uncharted territory and that worried me. I was so afraid of losing the dreams, thus losing my contact with him. I had never thought of myself as a fearful person, thoughtful and cautious, yes, but not fearful. Now my fears made me vulnerable in a way I’d never known. Loving someone obviously did that and I understood the emotion for the first time. Song lyrics made sense suddenly, as did the heartbreak I’d seen some of my friends go through. I now feared that pain and loss, and I would do anything in my power to keep and protect this new found, or excuse me, newly remembered love.
I closed the last book and tossed it with the others on the floor . My head was so full of new information that I needed to take some pain medication for the throbbing headache I’d acquired. Dinner time was long past and my stomach rumbled its complaint. Digging through my backpack I recovered a granola bar and half a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie left over from lunch. They would get me through until breakfast and I made a mental note to stock some snack foods in my room. I had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time I got distracted and missed a meal.
Pulling my overnight bag out of the closet, I began to pack for Palm Springs. I wanted to get an early start tomorrow. I wouldn’t need much for the weekend other than a bathing suit, my walking shoes, shorts and a sundress. Before I zipped up the bag, I threw in a textbook to read poolside and put it ,next to the door with a note to remember my phone charger.
Washing my face and brushing my teeth I could feel Charming next to me and I smiled, excitement bubbling up.
“Charming, I can’t wait to see you in my dreams!” I said aloud. Then cuddling contentedly under my blankets, I closed my eyes and pictured his.
The scent of roses enveloped me and I suddenly found myself in an enchanting garden, roses of every color and variety growing lush and abundant. I was sitting on a bench that must have been placed so one could enjoy this feast of sight and scent. I looked down to see what I was wearing today. The gown was simple, but stunning, with yards and yards of snow white cotton highlighted with a bright scarlet sash around the waist that tied into a bow at my side. The same full puffed sleeves and low cut bodice I seemed to favor made me wonder if all my gowns, or at least a majority of them, were cut from the same pattern and then made in a variety of fabrics and trims. I was gazing at the flats that reminded me of the ballet slippers I had worn when I was little, when dozens of roses in a rainbow of colors were laid in my lap.
“Oh!” I cried, startled, and looked up into the laughing face of Charming. “Thank you!”
“You are very welcome,” he smiled at me.
I raised them to bury my nose in their velvet petals when I cried out again, this time in pain.
“What is it?” he asked, kneeling down, alarm darkening his expression. He quickly removed the roses from my arms and laid them down on the bench beside me so he could lean in and examine the tiny cut on my cheek. Wiping a spot of blood gently away with the sleeve of his crisp white shirt, he lightly kissed the cut.
“Oh Sophie, I’m so sorry! I should have warned you there might be thorns.”
“I’m fine.” My eyes were full of him, his beauty so distracting, that I felt no pain at all. He kissed the scratch again, then peppered my face with dozens of light kisses.
“Where are we Charming?”I whispered, feeling embarrassed because I knew he could hear my heart exploding in excitement from his kisses.
“We’re in your mother’s rose garden.”
“It’s so lovely! She must have been an amazing gardener!” I looked around at literally hundreds of flowering bushes, all perfectly maintained.
“She supervises two gardeners who work out here every morning. They are in charge of keeping all the vases in your home filled and making sure the dead flowers are removed and the plants are pruned to her specifications.”
“Wow! They’re amazing.”
“Their beauty cannot hold a candle to yours. You take my breath away, still, after two lifetimes. I love you Sophie.”
His lips met mine and I melted into his arms. Minutes later I reluctantly pulled away. I needed to talk to him and I knew I could use up our whole dream kissing. Not that that was a bad thing, but I had a few questions before we headed to Palm Springs tomorrow.
“Charming? When we get to Gran and Grandad’s what do you think I should tell her?”
“Well, it depends,” he said looking into my eyes and tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. “You could tell her what is happening and I think she will believe you. Remember, she understood the gypsy on the train in Europe. She seemed pretty shaken up at the time. When she hears about Kara and Melissa she is going to listen, I’m certain. I don’t know what she will be able to do aside from listen, and it may upset her. It’s a lot to digest.”
“Tell me about it!” I raised my eyebrows and grinned at him. “Maybe it’s selfish of me to bother her with it. But after all, she was my mother. Maybe she would want to know that.”
“True, and it would give you someone to talk to besides Charlotte, I mean Rylee,” he corrected himself.
“Charming, where do you think this is going? Do you think that when I die we will get another shot at being together?”
“That is all I could ask for Sweetheart, but you have a whole life time ahead of you now, in this time. I don’t want you to waste it. I don’t want to slow you down or interfere with your life.”
“You are not interfering, Charming! You are everything I want in this life, the only thing that matters to me now. I’m just so sad that I haven’t felt you all along.” He looked at me with such tenderness that I felt tears fill my eyes. Blinking to try and stop them from falling he gathered me tightly against him and I rested my head on his chest.
“I love you, my sweet, sweet Sophie.” I smiled at his words and the race of his
heart beats under my ear. I was so happy to know I wasn’t the only one getting excited here.
“I love you too,” I whispered.
“Neither of us knows where this is going or what time has in store for us, but if I can be here with you like this in your dreams, it’s enough. I get to spend my days right next to you, sharing your life, your joys, your sorrows. Then while you cannot see me, you can at least feel me there. You know I am beside you and have always been there next to you. That, my love, is enough. It’s more than enough. Loving you, knowing that you love me? That is our miracle. Our love is so strong I have followed you through lifetimes to keep from being separated from you. There is nothing I would not do to get to you.”
“I love you just as much. I feel so blessed that I get this chance to see you, touch you, and just be here with you. It scares me, this happiness. It’s so perfect, so fragile, I can’t even bear to think about you not being here.”
“If it is up to me, I will be by your side always, just know that. Know that if one day, god forbid, I’m not with you, it’s beyond my control and I will try with all my might to return to you.”
“Charming, don’t even say it. I couldn’t bear it, not now that I have finally found you.”
“You are right. We must not waste a moment. Let’s not even think of it, let’s live each day as it comes, each one is a gift that fate has given us.”
“I tipped my head back to look up into his face and he leaned down to kiss me. Wrapping my arms around his neck I clung to him, my fears of losing him making our kisses even sweeter, more intense. Just as he began to lower us to the ground, our mouths still joined, I found myself back in my dorm bed.
“Damn it,” I cried. I would never get used to being forced away from Charming. Rather than lay stewing in my disappointment, I got up and decided to get ready to go to the desert. Grabbing my toothbrush I squeezed my tube of toothpaste and started to brush my teeth when I froze, staring at the evidence that my dreams were definitely for real. The tiny cut on my face made me smile.